社團法人中華民國家庭牙醫學會 -- Schwannoma of the anterior mouth floor: A case report
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Schwannoma of the anterior mouth floor: A case report

Schwannoma of the anterior mouth floor: A case report
蘇桓慶   邱國洲   張龍昌   謝義興
    Schwannoma is a encapsulated neoplasm that arise form a proliferation of Schwann cells. Although it is a relatively common benign tumor over the head and neck, it is an rarely entity presenting in the oral cavity. The most common location of schwannoma is over the tongue. A 12-year-old boy was reffered to our hospital for a swelling mass over floor of mouth for approximately 6 month. The histologic examination of the surgical specimen revealed a well-circumscribed tumor consists of two pattern of tissue: Antoni type A with Verocay body and Antoni B. The prognosis for most schwannoma is good , showing no recurrence after complete removal of the neoplasm, and malignant transformation is rare.

發佈日期 : 96/11/11 文章主旨 : Schwannoma of the anterior mouth floor: A case report
文章類別 : 口病 資料來源 : 秘書處

